Traveling with children can be a massive headache if ill-prepared to do so. Kids don’t have the same levels of patience as most adults, and as such boredom can quickly turn into a meltdown. This article will provide you with a few tips for traveling long distances with children. These can be applicable for road trips as well as lengthy flights. Some may also be applicable for shorter journeys which span an hour or less.
Being ‘hangry’ isn’t a fun feeling for anyone. This includes little ones and even preteens. It’s always a wise decision to have snacks on hand. It’s even better if you’ve got a cooler to hold cold drinks. If you’re taking a long walking tour in a city, or will perhaps be in the car for a gigantic chunk of time, be armed and ready with nuts, fruit, chips, jerky, trail mix, and anything you can think of to placate your children. They will be less likely to throw a fit with a full belly.
Engage But Don’t Overload
This is a delicate balance. You can’t expect a young child to enjoy a 10-hour day trip to a cool location without being somewhat irritable. It might be a fun idea for the parent, but for the kid they can quickly turn a trip sour. At the same time, instead of just ignoring your kid with the convenience of an iPad, talk to them! Teach them about some of the historical sites you may be encountering. Get them to try local food, and talk to natives of the city/country you’re in. If they’re distracted and having a good time, it’ll make things far easier for all involved.
This is a cheat code most millennials use to raise their children. We can quibble as to whether that’s great parenting later. For the sake of ease on a long trip, having some sort of electronic stimulant handy can be a lifesaver. Whether it’s an iPad, a phone or a switch, these can be a nice way to keep your child happy if you’re stuck on some form of transportation for long stretches — whether a car, bus, train, or plane. Specifically loading movies and/or television shows onto a tablet for a transatlantic flight can help immensely.
We all need sleep. For younger children, they must get a nap in somewhere. If you’ve traveled a long distance, dealing with a cranky, cantankerous child sounds utterly miserable. Make sure you sneak in sleep time somewhere — even if it’s on a shady patch of grass in a park. You’ll be glad you did when everyone does aim to hit the hay after a long day of exploring.