There are a host of benefits to traveling light. Lugging around a heavy suitcase can be very cumbersome — especially if you’re traveling to a destination with bumpy roads, cobblestone streets, or areas where transportation involves boats and/or tightly packed situations. This article will speak about how you can travel light with a carry-on.
Packing Cubes
Packing cubes make the packing process very efficient. These cloth cubes literally are placed throughout the interior of your carry-on suitcase, as you unzip them one by one, you can fit clothing and other items into them. It keeps the material condensed into one specific area. By doing this, you maximize the space within your suitcase as best as possible. You’re essentially fitting your contents into individual smaller, foldable suitcases before fitting them into the actual one. These can be procured as a pack on various online sites/in stores.
Rolling Clothes
This one makes all the world of difference when maximizing space. As opposed to leaving your clothes folded in the suitcase, neatly roll them into logs. You’ll not only be able to get more clothing to fit in your carry-on, but the clothing will unroll without heavy creases or wrinkling. Practice at home to get the hang of it. You’ll be shocked at how little space it’ll take to roll up pants, shorts, and shirts/blouses.
Pack One Pair of Shoes
You may want to take a bunch of different shoe options with you on a trip. Here’s a hint: Take two and live with the consequences. One pair of shoes should be a comfortable yet durable shoe used primarily during the day for walking and outdoor activities. You’ll likely be wearing that one on the plane. As for the pair you pack, usually one opts for a dressier option for a night out. With that said, go simple and try to avoid heavy, clunky boots. If you MUST bring such a pair of shoes with you, wear the larger pair on the plane, and pack the smaller option in your luggage. Theoretically, you could also not pack the second pair at all — and instead literally carry it onto the plane to store them up above your seats along with your carry-on.
Wear Your Jacket on the Plane
Here’s another way to lighten the proverbial load inside your carry-on. Should you be going to a colder location, you’ll most likely want to bring a coat/heavy jacket. Don’t try stuffing it into your bag. Instead, wear it on the plane. It can function as a multi-purpose item when in transit. For one, you could store it up above with your bag and not even think about it until landing. It can be used as a pillow for your head should you ball it up and lean against the window. Or, it can be used as a blanket when you invariably knock out and catch some sleep. This is particularly handy on a trip where you’re crossing an ocean.
Bring a Backpack
Here’s the last one. Normally, travelers get to bring two carry-on items with them on a plane. If a suitcase is one carry-on item, make a smaller backpack the other. This will come in handy perhaps more so than you’d even imagine. Use the backpack for things you could reach for in a pinch. We’re talking about phone chargers, deodorant, toiletries (toothbrush, floss), gum, a laptop/laptop charger, and a book. If you do check a bag, you run the risk of an airline potentially losing it. As such, pack an extra change of clothes (or two) just in case of an emergency. Lastly, if you’re flying internationally, having your passport handy can be a very nice thing.