It is perhaps one of our worst nightmares while traveling: scanning your pockets to make sure your valuables are still there only to find them empty and mysteriously gone. Pickpockets are an unfortunate reality we must confront while traveling, and just a few tips can save you from being a victim yourself. Read on to discover the best ways to protect yourself
Be vigilant while in large crowds
Thieves love nothing more than being able to blend into the crowd, and there’s no better way to do that than a scenario like a busy, bumpy metro cart — or an area with a high density of tourists. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you exercise extreme caution in these types of areas (or even better.. avoid them entirely!) Keep an extra hand on your phone or wallet, and wear your backpack on your chest where you can see it at all times. Thieves will pick out people who look aloof, so be sure not to look it!
Zippered pockets
Yes, we know this isn’t always feasible for the fashion-forward people out there. However, if you want a great security blanket for your valuables, consider purchasing trousers or shorts that have zippered pockets. This makes it extremely more difficult for thieves to fish out your phones or wallets. However, these aren’t 100% foolproof deterrents. Pickpockets can be really good, almost like an art form. They have gotten into zippered pockets before, but if it helps to increase the odds in your favor — why not?
Get a phone leash
A phone leash is exactly as it sounds — it attaches your phone to a leash that can then attach to your belt loop and make it extremely difficult for thieves to snatch off your person. These can be useful in cases where you are walking down the street looking down at your phone — situations where you could be most vulnerable for your phone to be snatched right out of your hand.
Look the part
As mentioned before, looking aloof and clueless is a surefire way for thieves to target you. When in doubt, remain confident and act like a local. This means not speaking English loudly and staring at signs or boards while looking confused. This is also a good time to blend in as a local, if possible. Leave the flashy clothes at home and keep your business to yourself.
While these tips will not guarantee your safety from being a victim, they will go a long way to reduce your likelihood of being one. Your trip should be spent enjoying your time and spending your hard-earned money — not stressing!